Davide Romanin

Davide Romanin


Email address

10 Bd Thomas Gobert
91120 Palaiseau  


Phone number
+33 1 70 27 04 02

Research areas

Ab-initio investigation of nanomaterials

Home Page


Davide Romanin

Associate Professor, Polytech - Paris-Saclay

Head of the group COMICS

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I'm an associate professor (maître de conférences) at "Université Paris-Saclay" since 01/09/2022 within the C2N "Computational Electronics" group. Since October 2023 I became head of the group.

My research activity is at the crossroads between condensed matter physics, theoretical chemistry and materials science. More specifically, I exploit electronic structure theory (density functional theory and many-body GW corrections) applied to low-dimensional and carbon-based materials.

During my thesis (defended on 02/02/2021 at Politecnico di Torino, Italy), I focused on the study of electron-phonon interaction, with an emphasis on conventional superconductivity and charge density waves.

During my post-doc (from 01/11/2020 to 31/08/2022 at Institut of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Paris) I focused on the optical properties (excitons) of topologically insulating polymers and molecules and on the role of electronic correlations on charge density waves (CDW), also taking into account the effects of strong anharmonicity and nuclear quantum fluctuations.

Recently I focused my research on the implication of topological electronic bandstructure of low-dimensional materials on transport properties.

I closely work with experimental groups, for which I provide theoretical support for transport measurements in low-dimensional systems and vibrational, magnetic and optical properties of materials.

Keywords: Density Functional Theory, GW, excitons, electron-phonon interactions, conventional superconductivity, charge-density waves, carbon based materials, low-dimensional materials