Computational Electronics

The COMputational nanoelectronICS (COMICS) research group is part of the Nanoelectronic Department at the Center for Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (C2N), a laboratory jointly operated by the CNRS, Paris-Saclay University and Paris-Cité University, and located on the Paris-Saclay campus at Palaiseau.

We exploit theoretical and computational physics tools to investigate electronic, thermal and trasport properties of materials and devices. More precisely, our skills include:

  • Physics of nanodevices: out-of-equilibrium transport and quantum effects;
  • Development of modelling tools: particle Monte Carlo simulator, band structures, atomistic Non Equilibrium Gree Function simulator;
  • Materials modelling: structural, electronic, optical and transport properties of nanostructures via first principles or semi-empirical methods;
  • Charge-density waves and anharmonic phonon-phonon interactions;


Ab-initio investigation of nanomaterials

Ab-initio investigation of nanomaterials

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Physics of Opto-Electronic Devices

Physics of Opto-Electronic Devices

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Thermal Transport and Thermoelectricity

Thermal Transport and Thermoelectricity

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Physics of Opto-Electronic Devices

Physics of Opto-Electronic Devices

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We welcome our new Post-Doc Shouhang Li !

July 2024

Welcome to the new website of COMICS!

March 2024